Dear Kurt...

Dear Kurt, Thank you for showing me the path. The path that led me to the best music with the emotion that music never had before. Wh...

Dear Kurt,

Thank you for showing me the path. The path that led me to the best music with the emotion that music never had before. Where the weird kids weren´t alone and found comfort in your voice and songs.
You created a new generation. A generation where people could feel and expressed themselves without judging. Just freely expressing. You make them feel proud of themselves. I know that you don´t like to "own " a generation, but the fact is that you are the father of her.

You make me feel understood, because you were an alien too. Because your mind was always miles far away from here and you were a sensitive person who felt so much empathy and love for the people in this mad world. It was your human nature. And that´s why you suffered so much...

I have a connection with you that can´t be explained by words. It´s strange and may seem ridiculous, but it´s like we are the same person. And sometimes I feel you near me, our thoughts collide, our minds travel together to other world and I can´t find the right words to describe it. How it´s possible to miss someone that I never met? It´s like I know you all my life...
On this day, a beautiful blonde baby boy with heaven eyes was born. He was pure and a beautiful soul. A soul that the world lost to soon, to early. His life could have been so much more...

Why couldn´t you see the person that you were? The potencial that you had inside you and the human that you were? You were rare and unique.  You were special. You ARE special. 
And you are immortal. 
Your voice will always be heard and your beautiful soul will always be remembered, you were not gone in vain...

Happy 50th birthday, Kurdt. 
Miss you.

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